to the skin

Brand New Ancient Innovation

Nettle has been known and used for thousands of years. Where ever there is agriculture, there are also nettles. Humans create a favourable soil for nettles, and in return, nettles offer humans fibre for textiles and valuable superfoods. In addition to this, nettle is known as a raw material for cosmetics and a natural medicine, the efficacy of which have been confirmed by modern research.
We develop smart nettle-products – in cooperation with researchers and experts.

Base layer

For Atopic Skin

The Daily Balancing Act with Atopic Eczema

Atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is more than just dry, itchy skin. For those living with this condition, it's a constant challenge to manage flare-ups and maintain skin health. Everyday choices – from the foods we eat to the clothes we wear – can trigger or soothe sensitive skin.



Living with sensitive skin can be multifaceted problem.


Thorny and hurting, yet refined with proper care and patience,
nettle is a true source of enjoyment.

New skin care product
developed from nettle
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Global weed nettle
What you can get out of it
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About us

The long history doesn´t mean you have to do everything the way it´s always been done.